Friday, June 1, 2012

an update... finally!!!

So let me say it again LOUD AND CLEAR... "I OFFICIALLY SUCK AT BEING A BLOGGER!!!" ha ha ha I use to be able to use the computer in front of my little guy, but for the last few months he is a crazy boy terror and if I were to try to blog with him next to me my blogs might look a lot like this... aksdjfgaklsudflsebf;aiusydfgiuabshdgkjasydfiuasdfiuahskjdl;fh 
SOOOO this has led me to not be a good blog host! lol!

 Today I find myself thinking about all the support we had and how I suck at keeping everyone updated on Dominick's progress! So here it goes, as far as cancer- he is done with Chemo hopefully for good! He has had 2 CT-Scans come back good and will (I think) just get an ultrasound done every 6 or so months for the next few years. When we "officially" get to this part he will get his line (port) taken out of his chest because it is more of a worry to have it in if it is not being used vs just taking it out. So at this point we are at the "yellow light" (one of the nurses called it a yellow light and I thought it was cute!)  He is not under the title "cancer free" but is not showing any signs of "cancer" in his test! His recovery is 3 years so at age 4 he will get his title "cancer free!" Ryan and I just hope in these 3 years he continues to do well on his tests... we don't want to be negative but there is a reason there is a 3 year "yellow light" period. Until we get the official CANCER FREE words coming out of the doctors mouth we will always have that concern in us! As far as his kidney/heart they are doing ok. His kidney should measure a little larger than it is measuring but she is not to concerned. It needs to be larger than normal but not too large. We do urine test every 6 months or so and get kidney measurements when the oncologist orders his test (every 6 months.) His heart is now being watched by his nephrologist who is doing an test on it once a heart until she is 100% confident it is good to go! He is now only on 2 meds in the AM and 2 in the PM. He is actually amazing at taking them. I just say "medicine time" and he walks over, opens his mouth, and I pour them in! (what a kid right!?) 

Since ending Chemo earlier this year we have seen eye brows, eye lashes and hair! It is amazing to see and we all just talk about his hair like it is the best thing ever!!! It has come back way lighter than it was before, but we all just love the fact he has hair blond or black! The only thing now is that when I see pictures of him with NO hair, eye lashes, or eye brows, it makes my stomach turn. I don't think I (or anyone) realized how "sick" he looked. At the time, that was the way Dominick looked. But now, looking back, he 100% looked like he had cancer. I know that sounds silly because I looked at him everyday but the comparison is what makes it more real I think! It just seems like a crazy horrible dream at this point... almost unreal! When I tell the story it is almost like I am telling someone else story. Anyways, he is the happiest little boy in the world! Here are some pictures of him with hair and with his bestie Benny!!!

As far as baby #2... We are only 7 weeks away from meeting our new bundle of joy! We are not finding out the sex and just want a healthy baby! (I know people say that but we really mean it! ha ha ha) I have started going every other week which makes it more real!!! We are excited for our family to grow and I know Dominick is going to be an amazing big brother! Lately I just want to spend as much time with Dominick as I can because I know these are the last few weeks he will be my only love bug and only child! We took some family pictures earlier this week and I will post some when I get them!

Baby #2 is still little in this picture but he/she is there!

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